Our Current Location

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Meal Cooked on the Road – Literally.

This evening we were in a hurry to get to Whitehorse. Amanda Keegel, a recent High School graduate from our church back in Kidron, is doing a one-year service project in Anchorage, and we would very much like to make it to her home by tomorrow evening.

Between them, Anna and Thomas decided that some precious time could be saved if Anna would cook up a meal for us in the camper while Thomas continued to drive. We had not attempted this before.

Anna was more than game, but after fixing the meal for us, she indicated that it was a surreal experience chopping up vegetables with a sharp knife while balancing herself around the curves and over the bumps of the Alcan.

I sat in the back seat and communicated with Anna through the back window while Thomas drove. Using the gas stove and a large pot, she cooked up a stew consisting of a can of beans, chopped up onions and carrots, a little spam for seasoning and butter.

We pulled over beside this lake, served ourselves a large platter of the stew and topped it off with slices of Swiss cheese. It was the best meal we have had on the road!

For lunch, Thomas found this lovely spot beside a creek. While he shampooed his hair in water two degrees above freezing, I got out the Coleman stove and set it up on a folding table. Anna set a pot on the burner, filled it with water, and commenced to poach three eggs. While they were cooking, I toasted some bread on the other burner. Anna then combined the poached egg and toast with some smoked silver salmon that Thomas purchased on our goose chase the day previous. Haute cuisine along a mountain stream!

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