Our Current Location

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 12: The Best Day on the Road Yet!

Written by Anna:
Stone Mountain of Northern British Columbia

The previous two days (Days 10 & 11) have been some of the most tedious, monotonous, brain-numbing, insanity-inducing driving of the trip.  Day 10 felt like Groundhog Day:  a 300-mile drive on Route 16 to get to a washed-out Route 37, followed by a 300-mile drive back to Prince George to sleep in the parking lot of a Canadian Tire store (Canada’s version of Home Depot).  Day 11 wasn’t much better:  driving north on a busy 2-lane road through a ton of construction to get to a crammed RV park too late to fix dinner.  By the end of these days, I was ready to buy a plane ticket to Alaska if I’d been given the choice.  Fortunately I wasn’t, because Day 12 was packed with gorgeous scenery, tasty food, smooth roads, light traffic and diverse wildlife. 

Anna with our trusty steed in front of Stone Mountain
The following is a sampling of some of the scenery we drove through.  I’m no professional photographer, but I am getting better at taking pictures out the window of a moving vehicle.  Unfortunately, a road sign or antenna occasionally makes its way into my pictures.  I’m not very happy about it, but it’s better than asking the boys to slow down the truck, which is like asking a bear to regurgitate a GPS.  It doesn’t usually work, and then I have to get out my big stick.  

Muncho Lake--the road was just feet from the lake with no guard rail for miles

1 comment:

  1. beautiful!! I am really enjoying being able to follow along on your journey!
